Good Guys and Bad. Part 4

Now we will hear about the crystal powered vehicles.


Q: And after this short period of time, what happens?

Michael: Well, between the first and third waves will be a period in which we'll be linking with the second and third waves. We will be coming back with full Christed powers. We'll have crystal powered vehicles to drive around in because we won't be able to use cars and other forms of usual Earth transportation.

Q: (JW Then there was some questions and answers that didn't print out on on the page.)

Q: Why?

Michael: The government's planning an oil embargo. They will be controlling everybody with the "mark of the beast". The military government will take total control and at this point we will have to have our powers. And also it's interesting that the NASA passed by congress, reinstated when we were travelling around the United States. They brought out the NASA ruling, which was in most of the major newspapers, that anybody who's had physical contact with an extraterrestrial or goes aboard a spaceship, who comes back will be taken by armed guard for indefinite periods of quarantine. A total suspension of your civil rights, and no court order can overrule that.

Q: Who will be in this second wave?

M: The second wave will be the rest of the volunteers. There's about, I'm told, about 500,000 that are going up in the first wave, approximately. And the second wave will be the rest of the volunteers in Earth embodiment. All the children will be taken up. We'll also be allowed to take our pets, too.

Q: All the second wave will contain about how many?

M: The rest of the 250, to 300 million volunteers. And this third wave will be all those people graduating off the wheel of karma for the first time after having been here liftimes stuck on the wheel of suffering: As long as as 51% of their karma is transmuted.

Q: When will all of this take place?

M: I'd say the indications are of three things: one, the first wave will happen before the 'mark of the beast' can come about.

Q: When?

M: In 1984, if the government does bring that about in 1984 that they're planning. Or, if a nuclear war, the conditions should set up, even though the brothers wont allow a full nuclear war because the effects of this would set up a very negative vibrational condition that would cause the other planets to go out of orbit. Or the other thing would be an axis shift, which is very probable with the line-up of the other words, one of these three main things, or even, if, say, a comet or something...

Aurora: They said to us recently that they want to wait for the economy to crash before they come, because they said they don't want to be known as the 'bad guys' who cause the economy 'to crash.' They want to be the 'good guys' that save people, because they it's the Illuminati's greediness that has made the economy crash.

M: ... Luciferian desendants who have had control behind the scenes.

Q: From what you say, we get the impression that these Space Brothers, these high beings of yours, are not able to see the future very clearly.

M: They can see a lot of the tendencies. They respect free will, but they see the potential of how everything is headed for.

Aurora: The future has possibliities. It has potential that you can usually correctly forcast. Now you say that the Space Brothers can't see the future.

Q: That's what you seemed to be saying.

A: They say this: that they can monitor an individual and tell what their response is going to be to a given situation. They have been extremely accurate doing that.

Q: But they can't predict when a comet is going to hit the Earth?

Michael: I think that something like a comet, perhaps. Maybe the exact moment the poleshift would come about on Earth would be something that it would be hard to pinpoint the exact moment for something like that.

A: I think that something like a comet, perhaps. Maybe the exact moment the poleshift would come about on Earth would be something that it would be hard to pinpoint, the exact monent for something like that.

M: The subconsciousness influences everything.

Q: You have just completed a national lecture tour. What was the purpose of the tour and what were the reactions of the public?

A: First of all, what we were doing is, we were preparing people for the open landing.

Q: The October 18 event?

Aurora: We told people that we felt very strongly the possibility was October, but if it didn't manifest then it would obviously be soon. And, you know, that was our point. And a lot of the people who heard our lectures for the first time in their life understood what UFO's really truly were, with with these lights in the sky they had seen. Many of them had had experiences of close encounters. We met people who were physically on board the ships, who they had recently come down to and made themselves known to. We met people who had never heard anything about any of this before in their lives and who walked away with the feeling of expectation and of realization that if this planet does not have divine intervention, it is pretty well hopeless for it.

M: We have to have outside help to help us help ourselves, to bring about the conditons of balance and this is why they are coming in more openly now. There's been a lot of major sightings in the last few months.

Q: Now you have spoken of archangels, angels, ascended master, and these space beings. What is the difference between them?

M: Actually, they're all pretty much the same. In the galactic confederation, they're all really descriptions of the same type of beings, who are able to travel inter-dimensionally, inter-galactically. They are not limited as people on this planet. They are cosmic ascended masters. There's different levels again, because there is a spiritual heirarchy, depending on the level of responsibility.

Q: So the Spiritual Heirachy is the same thing as the Galactic Confederation?

M: They are like aspects. Really, they are one and the same.

A: The Galactic Confederation was formed to fight the Lucifer rebellion. That was the Galactic Confederation's mission and purpose. And it's formation is to uphold the divine will throughout the universe.

We'd like to talk about perhapes what you can expect in the near future is an influx of a tremendous vibrational energies gearing up here very rapidly as you can probably will feel. Time speed up, a notice of wanting to become more lighter, more into vegetarian foods, more fully and completely in your life, and also a feeling of wanting to purify one's body because of this vibratinal speed up that they feel inwardly. And I think the emphasis will be on going inward more, and also forming groups of like masses. I think now it's more of a linking together.

M: A gathering of the 'Eagles'.

A: A linking together of the volunteers.

M: Preparing for the greater reunion when they openly land.

A: I thnk a lot of people now, I've noticed have been quitting their jobs and have been going full into metaphysics very strongly. Just saying, "That's what I want to do. That's what I'm going to do." Setting up workshops, seminars, and reaching out to other people of similar consciousness.

Q: You say that you have brought higher teachings to the planet Earth. Do you feel that your personal lives reflect these teachings?

M: I feel very complete, and very, very contented. And I know I'm very strongly guided in this work. And I feel that not only am I creating a service for other people, but it's fulfilling my own light, too, because this is my mission.

JW Well that's its folks. The good guys and the bad guys.

The End Part 4 of 4.

Source Of Information: Omega, NEW-AGE DIRECTORY, Janurary 1983.

John Winston

Original file name: Good Guys and Bad 4